Monday, April 4, 2016

OpsMgr (SCOM) - Alerts per group SQL Query

A few days ago, i showed up how to get SCOM alerts for a certain group in Powershell.
Now i needed to put it in DataZen and i could, but it's more simple to get data by SQL, so, the query i came up with is this :

 DECLARE @TMP_GROUP_TABLE table(groupname varchar(50));  
 insert into @TMP_GROUP_TABLE   
 values('Group #1'), -- List  
      ('Group #2'), -- Of   
      ('Group #3'), -- Groups   
      ('Group #4'), -- You  
      ('Group #5') -- Want  
     s.displayName as [Group],   
     CASE WHEN t.Path IS NULL THEN t.DisplayName ELSE t.path END AS [CI],  
     av.AlertName as [Alert Name],  
     av.AlertDescription as [Description],  
     count(av.AlertName) as [AlertCount],  
     ResolutionState, RaisedDateTime,av.Severity  
 FROM vrelationship r   
      inner join vManagedEntity s on s.ManagedEntityRowId = r.SourceManagedEntityRowId   
      inner join vManagedEntity t on t.ManagedEntityRowId = r.TargetManagedEntityRowId   
      inner join Alert.vAlert av on av.ManagedEntityRowId= t.ManagedEntityRowId  
      inner JOIN Alert.vAlertDetail adv on av.AlertGuid =adv.AlertGuid   
      inner JOIN Alert.vAlertResolutionState arsv on av.AlertGuid =arsv.AlertGuid   
      inner JOIN Alert.vAlertParameter apv on av.AlertGuid =apv.AlertGuid   
      -- I choose 7 days, you can put a value as you like  
      RaisedDateTime >=DATEADD(day,-7,GETDATE())  
      and s.DisplayName IN ( SELECT groupname FROM @TMP_GROUP_TABLE )  
      -- Filter only for CRIT and WARN alarms  
      AND av.Severity >= 1  
 group by s.displayName,t.displayname,av.AlertDescription,ResolutionState,RaisedDateTime,av.Severity,av.AlertName,t.Path  
 order by AlertCount desc  

This is good so you can create a nice Datazen dashboard to keep teams up with their alarms (you can put their objects inside respective groups).

Feel free to criticize, no SQL master at all (lol!)

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