Thursday, November 17, 2016

OpsMgr (SCOM) - Maintenance Web-Portal (Beta version is here!)

As mentioned here I've decided to develop a web based interface to manage scheduled maintenance mode for SCOM Objects.

And finally, i came up with a first beta version of it.
I promise that as soon as possible I'll be releasing it here - i'm just cleaning up code and giving a more exhaust testing before i give this to you all.
I hope until next week I'm making this available.

So far, the specifications/functionalities of it are:

Search objects of classes Windows and Unix/Linux servers;
Set two types of maintenance mode :
- From now until 'x' minutes;
- From a specific date until 'x' minutes;
Check for the latest maintenance history of searched objects (agents);

1 ) Searching for agents/objects

It shows you the result and give you the possibility to Manage (Set-up maintenance mode for searched object) and to check on maintenance history (History button).

2 ) Manage button to setup Maintenance

Here you can either setup a 'right-now' maintenance or scheduled it in the future.
I'm using this Orchestrator Runbook solution I've developed a few months ago to handle future maintenance.

This is the the way you select your future start-time

Fill the information and Submit it!

You will get different outputs on success or failure!

And ... the result :

As you can see ...

3) History button

Since you click it you'll be given a pop-up with the latest maintenance information like bellow

And this is it! I hope you enjoy the idea and what came out of it, hope you could give me any suggestions and feedback about it.

Now what i would like to do in the future of it.

Further specifications/functionalities i would like to develop:

Windows authentication instead of SDK user in web.config file;
- At this point it's much easier to work like this, but it's of course more reliable to only have access to the objects you manage;
Edit maintenance mode:
- Able to stop current maintenance mode;
- Able to increase the end time of current maintenance mode;
Give the end-user the ability to choose specific classes of objects (SQL Databases, Clusters ...);
On main page give some stats about SCOM and SCOMDW performance in graphs;
(Any other feature I'm missing and you could give me the idea instead!)


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

[Update II] OpsMgr (SCOM) - Operations Manager Maintenance Web-Portal

Keeping this up to date.

Started to do this :

From now on, i'll be developing the scheduled part of the solution - as mentioned before, this will integrate with my previous solution (Orchestrator Runbook and a simple SQL Database)

I've already studied on how i'm passing the windows authentication and will be on my further to-do list.


[Update] OpsMgr (SCOM) - Operations Manager Maintenance Web-Portal

Since last post about the Operations Manager Maintenance Web-Portal, I've been editing code so i could publish the solution, and getting new functions to it.

This is getting a beta version! :)

So far:
- Added the SDK user credentials to Web.Config file;
- Created the Object Maintenance Mode History functionality;
- You can now search objects of classes instead of agents - still figuring out the best way to give user the possibility to choose or to limit class scope;

History button :

Details view

To do :
- User scope - still didn't think about it!
- Future Maintenance (I'll use this Orchestrator Runbook to do the job later!) - the layout is done, code is missing!

Friday, November 11, 2016

OpsMgr (SCOM) - Operations Manager Maintenance Web-Portal

I'll be introducing this post with a disclaimer - I'm not a programmer! Still, i'm an enthusiast about learning and have crazy ideas to occupy my time! :)

I've decided to develop a web-portal (asp/c#) so we could use a web page to put our servers into maintenance mode without having the need to open Operations Manager console - I'll be enhancing this project with other "tasks" that could fit in it - any suggestions, feel free to share!

So ... I came up with this :

1 ) Searching for agent

2 ) Click Manage to setup Maintenance

The future is already designed (missing back code to handle!)

3 ) Settings and Submit!

4) You will get different outputs on success or failure!

And ... the result :

As you can see ...

Further things to do on this project :
- Have a login page so we could have different server scopes - different users see/manage their own servers;
- Future Maintenance (I'll use this Orchestrator Runbook to do the job later!) - the layout is done, code is missing!
- Search for other classes, instead of agents (I'm evaluating the best way to do it!)
- I'll provide the solution to everyone, just finishing to edit and put the code better!

This is a Alpha version, but, as soon as possible i'll be releasing a beta version so you could test on your own environment - until that any suggestions are very welcome!

Hope you enjoy!