Friday, May 13, 2016

Nagios/Check_MK Alerts to SCOM (OpsMgr) using Orchestrator

Recently a customer needed to process 'tons' of snmp traps from several equipments, from several vendors, and some, snmp v3 traps, these not supported by OpsMgr. But still forward those alerts to Operations Manager.
So, i built a Nagios server! Yes Nagios! Nagios, no matter what, can and it's usefull.
And it's helping us a lot.
I decided to go for what i like the most - OMD (, so this is made specific for Check_MK configuration, but you can 'port' it to Nagios Core.

So. Nagios installed, lot's of equipment configured, snmpd configured, mibs copied, and tons of traps received, problem solved!
Now, forward those alerts to SCOM!

My idea (and working idea!) :

(yes, this was the powerpoint i sent to the customer! - hahah!)

So, after you've your monitoring criteria in Nagios configured, you need to :
  1. Create a Orchestrator Runbook that receives some parameters
  2. Create Nagios Event-Handler to 'consume' that runbook by orchestrator web-service

So, my Orchestrator Runbook :

Details about the MKAlertInput :

Create Alert details :

So, since i've got my runbook, i need to make a bash script to consume orchestrator runbook.
But, first, you need to know :
Your new runbook ID
And your runbook parameters ID
How ? Simple !
Connect to your MSSQL Server (Orchestrator BD) and run this :

 -- Runbook ID
 Name as 'Runbook Name',  
 LOWER(ID) as 'Runbook ID'  
 FROM [Orchestrator].[Microsoft.SystemCenter.Orchestrator].[Runbooks]  
 -- Parameters ID
 SELECT LOWER(Parameters.Id) , Parameters.Name  
 FROM [Orchestrator].[Microsoft.SystemCenter.Orchestrator].[RunbookParameters] AS Parameters  
 INNER JOIN [Orchestrator].[Microsoft.SystemCenter.Orchestrator].[Runbooks] Runbooks ON Parameters.RunbookId = Runbooks.Id  
 -- THIS ID Showld be the one from the first query!  
 WHERE Runbooks.Id = '0B3E5FA3-A2E9-4337-BC63-050FC347A908'   

Since you got the ID's you need, you need to create your Nagios Event Handler, so every time you've na alert you can handle it and forward it to SCOM.

So, my script (for this scenario!)
 # Nagios input data into vars#  
 plugin_output="$3 | $4 @ $5"  
 last_state_change=`date +"%d-%m-%Y %T"`  
 # Orchestrator Info #  
 case "$servicestate" in  
         echo ""  
         echo ""  
         xml="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?><entry xmlns:d=\"\" xmlns:m=\"\" xmlns=\"\"><content type=\"application/xml\"><m:properties><d:Parameters>&lt;Data&gt;&lt;Parameter&gt;&lt;Name&gt;host_name&lt;/Name&gt;&lt;ID&gt;{c2555c8a-4c1c-4c04-a175-d27ccb27aeb3}&lt;/ID&gt;&lt;Value&gt;$host_name&lt;/Value&gt;&lt;/Parameter&gt;&lt;Parameter&gt;&lt;Name&gt;description&lt;/Name&gt;&lt;ID&gt;{e47406b6-fbd7-4bc5-b7a5-a1216f4fdfe5}&lt;/ID&gt;&lt;Value&gt;$description&lt;/Value&gt;&lt;/Parameter&gt;&lt;Parameter&gt;&lt;Name&gt;plugin_output&lt;/Name&gt;&lt;ID&gt;{406620e8-5fc0-4318-ad6b-987d9d491b09}&lt;/ID&gt;&lt;Value&gt;$plugin_output&lt;/Value&gt;&lt;/Parameter&gt;&lt;Parameter&gt;&lt;Name&gt;last_state_change&lt;/Name&gt;&lt;ID&gt;{35ab0932-df75-42d0-9715-935d3510b532}&lt;/ID&gt;&lt;Value&gt;$last_state_change&lt;/Value&gt;&lt;/Parameter&gt;&lt;/Data&gt;</d:Parameters><d:RunbookId type=\"Edm.Guid\">0b3e5fa3-a2e9-4337-bc63-050fc347a908</d:RunbookId></m:properties></content></entry>"  
         # XML 2 File  
         xml_file=`< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c10`  
         echo "$xml" > /tmp/$xml_file  
         # Post data into SCOrch Web-Service  
         curl --ntlm -u $user:$password -H 'Content-Type:application/atom+xml' -d @/tmp/$xml_file -X POST $url  
         echo ""  

Now, you need to tell nagios to use this script, so paste this config : (Remember, i'm using Check_MK)
 extra_nagios_conf += r"""  
 define command {  
   command_name  scorchws  
   command_line  /omd/sites/nagdsv/gdc/bin/ "$HOSTNAME$" "$SERVICESTATE$" "$SERVICEDESC$" "$SERVICEOUTPUT$" "$HOSTGROUPNAMES$"  
 extra_service_conf["event_handler"] = [  
   ( "scorchws", ALL_HOSTS, ALL_SERVICES ),  
 extra_service_conf["event_handler_enabled"] = [  
   ( "1", ALL_HOSTS, ALL_SERVICES ),  

Everything in place … this is what you get in SCOM :

Hope this could be helpful for you :)


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