Recently we had this need for a customer of ours - Make an IIS Inventory report in SCCM with all the sites, related application pools, bindings and IIS versions.
It seems easy, but in a few moments it turned into a great nightmare, still a great challange - that i accepted gladly!
The first thing i've banged into was the fact of having multiple IIS versions and Operating Systems (IIS 6, 7, 8 - and 2003, 2008, 2012).
Why ?
Because for IIS version 6 you get information from "ROOT\MicrosoftIISv2" namespace, and for IIS>7 you have "ROOT\WebAdministration" namespace.
The problem wasn't having multiple data sources from where you could collect data from - i'll explain it further!
There's a solution, a really easy one to overcome this issue - install IIS WMI 6 Compatability role on your IIS>7 - this will make/create the "ROOT\MicrosoftIISv2" namespace even on IIS>7 machines - this way you'll only have a datasource to 'drink' data from.
But, there're some security issues, that some sysadmins don't like about this role, so i couldn't go there!
But, right before i set the classes i wanted, i created a simple collection with this WQL (All devices with IIS installed) :
select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name,SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_SERVICE on SMS_G_System_SERVICE.ResourceID = SMS_R_System.ResourceId where SMS_G_System_SERVICE.Name = 'W3SVC'
And right after, a custom agent setting where only there i would enable the further classes and the inventory of "C:\Windows\System32\InetSrv" folder so i could inventory inetmgr.exe file so i could've exact IIS version foreach machine.
Now, WMI Classes setup!
Ok! So i checked which classes i was going to set up and read information from, and came up with this :
IIS6 or with IIS 6 WMI Compatability :
Namespace : MicrosoftIISv2
Class : IIsWebVirtualDirSetting
Query : SELECT * FROM IIsWebVirtualDirSetting
Namespace : MicrosoftIISv2
Class : IIsWebServerSetting
Query : SELECT * FROM IIsWebServerSetting
For IIS>7 :
Namespace : WebAdministration
Class : Application
Query : SELECT * FROM Application
Namespace : WebAdministration
Class : Site
Query : SELECT * FROM Site
But right there, feeling really lucky about how it was going, and banged into my first issue!
At (ROOT\WebAdministration) Application class! You can't enable it because there's already a SCCM built-in class with this name.
So, after some googling i've learned that i could make a UNION class that "mirrors" all the information from a source into this new class in a namespace i wanted - and came up with this code :
#pragma namespace("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2")
[Union,ViewSources{"select ApplicationPool,EnabledProtocols,ServiceAutoStartEnabled,ServiceAutoStartProvider,Path,PreloadEnabled,SiteName from Application"},ViewSpaces{"\\\\.\\root\\webadministration"},dynamic,Provider("MS_VIEW_INSTANCE_PROVIDER")]
class IIS_Application
[PropertySources{"ApplicationPool"}] string ApplicationPool;
[PropertySources{"EnabledProtocols"}] string EnabledProtocols;
[PropertySources{"ServiceAutoStartEnabled"}] boolean ServiceAutoStartEnabled;
[PropertySources{"ServiceAutoStartProvider"}] string ServiceAutoStartProvider;
[PropertySources{"Path"},key] string Path;
[PropertySources{"PreloadEnabled"}] boolean PreloadEnabled;
[PropertySources{"SiteName"},key] string SiteName;
A Free-Tip : You must have all the KEY propreties mapped in your new class, meaning that if your source class has 3 key properties, your new custom class must also have those 3 key properties.
Basically it's kind of a view of "ROOT\WebAdministration\Application" class that i created in "ROOT\CIMV2" and named it "IIS_Application".
There was another problem i faced - SCCM hardware inventory can't read WMI Classes proprieties when they are objects, meaning that i've tried to set "ROOT\WebAdministration\Site" for having sites information with binding association and i couldn't.
So, again, i needed to make a brand new class :
#pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2")
class IIS_Bindings
STRING SiteName;
STRING Bindings;
UInt32 SiteId;
But there's a problem - this is not a view! This is a simple new class - with no data, just empty! And the only way (i know) to populate this, was with this script :
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{authenticationLevel=pktPrivacy}\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colBindingsItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from IIS_Bindings")
For Each objItem in colBindingsItems
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{authenticationLevel=pktPrivacy}\\" & strComputer & "\root\WebAdministration")
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Site")
Set oWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:root\cimv2")
Set oData = oWMI.Get("IIS_Bindings")
Set oInstance = oData.SpawnInstance_
For Each objItem in colItems
oInstance.SiteName = objItem.Name
oInstance.SiteId = objItem.Id
Bindings = ""
For i = 0 to Ubound(objItem.Bindings)
Bindings = Bindings + objItem.Bindings(i).BindingInformation + "|"
Bindings = LEFT(Bindings, (Len(Bindings) -1))
oInstance.Bindings = Bindings
Yes, you need to do a new based script application and deploy it into your collection - it will take a wile so you get data back into your CM database.
So now, that we've done all the setup we need to have all IIS information - in my case "Machine;Site;ApplicationPool;Path;Bindings;IISVersion" - it's time to query!
For every class you enable, SCCM will create a table like "MY_CLASSNAME_DATA", for example : IIS_Application_DATA
And it's here where all the magic can be done.
So, finally, i came up with this query (It needs to be modified to return better results, specially when it comes to the bindings ... i'll do it later someday!)
CSYS.Name0 as [Server Name],
IISApp.ApplicationPool00 as [AppPools],
IISApp.SiteName00 as [Site Name],
IISBind.Bindings00 as [Bindings],
SUBSTRING(SF.FileVersion, 1,14) AS [IIS Version]
[V_R_system] SYS with (nolock)
JOIN [v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM] CSYS on CSYS.ResourceID = sys.ResourceID
JOIN [v_FullCollectionMembership] FCM on FCM.ResourceID = CSYS.ResourceID
JOIN [v_GS_SoftwareFile] SF on SF.ResourceID = SYS.ResourceID
FULL JOIN [IIS_Application_DATA] IISApp on IISApp.MachineID = SYS.ResourceID
FULL JOIN [IIS_Bindings_DATA] IISBind on IISBind.MachineID = SYS.ResourceID
FCM.CollectionID like 'YOU_Collection_ID_Goes_Here'
IISApp.SiteName00 = IISBind.SiteName00
SF.FileName like '%inetmgr%'
NOTE: This is the first version of the project, a POC if you want, just to show you how to get data, perhpaps it has some flaws - but it's a way of showing how to get data specially if you don't have it in the first place.
Hope this might be useful to you in someway.