Now that i have same DA as Collections, and respective members, i can match alerts (DA from SCOM), as well i can have a list of required updates (Collection from SCCM) in the same PowerBI report.
It can be really useful for Application Owners or Sys Admin teams.
Instead of creating by hand every DA I've in SCCM as a collection, and since i've got around 60 DA's, i came up with this script!
(Sorry for the variable names, and for some bad code - not having the time i need to get it better!)
(PS: Read the comments before you run the script! :) )
Import-Module OperationsManager
# Your SCCM Server
$SCCMServer = 'Your SCCM Server'
$Class = Get-SCOMClass -DisplayName 'User Created Distributed Application'
$DistrApps = Get-SCOMClassInstance -Class $Class
$DARelationList = ''
$ListaDAandHosts = @()
Foreach ($DA in $DistrApps) {
$DAHosts = ($DA | % {$_.GetRelatedMonitoringObjects()} | % {$_.GetRelatedMonitoringObjects()}).DisplayName
Foreach ($Hostz in $DAHosts) {
$ListaDAandHosts += $DA.DisplayName + ';' + ($Hostz -split '\.')[0]
#This is because i only want DA with valid hostnames!
$ListaDA = @()
$ListaDA += 'DA;ServerFQDN'
Foreach ($line in $ListaDAandHosts) {
If ($RegexQuery.Match($line).Success -eq $true) {
$ListaDA += $RegexQuery.Match($line).Groups[0].Value
# Set the out-file as you like!
$ListaDA | Out-File "\\\$SCCMServer\c$\FOLDER\ListaDA.csv"
$SCCMScriptBlock = {
Import-Module "D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\bin\ConfigurationManager.psd1"
$DACSV = Import-csv 'C:\GDC\ListaDA.csv' -Delimiter ';'
$DAList = ($DACSV | Group {$_.DA.Substring(0)}).Name
# Set Location to Site Name #
Set-Location YOUR_SITE_NAME:
# Your SCCM Limit Collection #
$Limitingcollections = "All Systems"
# Let the show begin #
Foreach ($DA in $DAList) {
$DAHostList = @()
$DAHosts = (($DACSV | ? { $_.DA -eq $DA } | Select ServerFQDN).ServerFQDN)
# Create DA If not Exists #
If (Get-CMDeviceCollection -Name $DA) {
# Does Nothing #
$DA + ' | Already exists!'
} Else {
$DANewCollection = New-CMDeviceCollection -Name "$DA" -LimitingCollectionName $Limitingcollections
# Add each host to Collection #
Foreach ( $SCCMAgent in $DAHosts ){
Try {
Add-CMDeviceCollectionDirectMembershipRule -CollectionName "$DA" -ResourceID $(get-cmdevice -name "$SCCMAgent").ResourceID
} Catch {
$SCCMAgent + ' | Already in Collection or not found'
# Move your collection to specific location - if you want to #
Move-CMObject -FolderPath 'SITE_NAME:\DeviceCollection\YOUR_SPECIFIC_FOLDER' -InputObject $DANewCollection
$SCCMSession = New-PSSession -ComputerName $SCCMServer
Invoke-Command -Session $SCCMSession -scriptblock $SCCMScriptBlock
And, that's it!