Powershell is one of the things i like the most while exploring everything that SCOM (and other System Center tools) can give to you, it just makes everything you want, a way or another.
What about creating this in a Powershell script ?
This is the script that does all the magic :
!!NOTE!! : For the most problematic servers in specific groups i've i retrieve memory, cpu, and disk usage performance data, but, you change this logic as well as the performance counters.
Please attempt to the comments in-line so you can understand the logic :)
Import-Module OperationsManager
New-SCOMManagementGroupConnection -ComputerName "opsmgr.server.local" #Change here :)
$script:scriptpath = "C:\PS\OpsMgr_PerfCharts\images"
# Foreach Group above list the most problematic agents
$MyGroups = @()
$MyGroups += Get-SCOMGroup -DisplayName 'UNIX/Linux Computer Group'
$MyGroups += Get-SCOMGroup -DisplayName 'All Windows Computers'
$newTime = (Get-Date).AddHours(-24)
$Criteria = New-Object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Monitoring.MonitoringAlertCriteria("TimeRaised > `'$newTime`'")
$TransversalDepth = [Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.TraversalDepth]::Recursive
$TopAgents = @()
Foreach ( $Group in $MyGroups ) {
$TopObjAlerts = ($Group.GetMonitoringAlerts($Criteria , $TransversalDepth) | Group-Object MonitoringObjectPath | Sort-Object count -descending | select -first 5 Values).Values
Foreach ($i in $TopObjAlerts) {
$TopAgents += ($i -split ";")[0]
$TopAgents = $TopAgents.Split(";",[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
$Count = 0
$Query = ""
Foreach ($Agent in $TopAgents) {
If ($TopAgents.Count -eq $Count ) {
$Query += "'" + $agent + "'" + ","
} Else { $Query += "'" + $agent + "'" }
# Create SQL Query with the most problematic agents criteria
$Query = $Query -replace "''","','"
$SqlQuery = "
WHEN vpr.ObjectName = 'Processor Information' THEN 'Processor'
WHEN vpr.ObjectName = 'LogicalDisk' THEN 'Logical Disk' ELSE vpr.ObjectName END as ObjectName,
WHEN vpr.CounterName = 'PercentMemoryUsed' OR vpr.CounterName = '% Available Memory' THEN '% Used Memory'
WHEN vpr.CounterName = '% Free Space' THEN '% Used Space'
ELSE vpr.CounterName END as CounterName,
WHEN len(vpri.InstanceName) < 1 THEN '_Total' ELSE vpri.InstanceName END as InstanceName,
WHEN vpr.CounterName = '% Available Memory' or vpr.CounterName = '% Free Space' THEN 100 - pvpr.AverageValue ELSE pvpr.AverageValue END as AverageValue,
100.00 as ComparisonValue
Perf.vPerfDaily pvpr WITH (NOLOCK)
inner join vManagedEntity vme WITH (NOLOCK) on pvpr.ManagedEntityRowId = vme.ManagedEntityRowId
inner join vPerformanceRuleInstance vpri WITH (NOLOCK) on pvpr.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId = vpri.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId
inner join vPerformanceRule vpr WITH (NOLOCK) on vpr.RuleRowId = vpri.RuleRowId
Path in (
vManagedEntity unix WITH (NOLOCK)
join vManagedEntityManagementGroup unixMG WITH (NOLOCK) ON unix.ManagedEntityRowId = unixMG.ManagedEntityRowId
join vManagedEntityType unixType WITH (NOLOCK) on unix.ManagedEntityTypeRowId = unixType.ManagedEntityTypeRowId
unixMG.ToDateTime Is Null
and (unixType.ManagedEntityTypeSystemName = 'Microsoft.Unix.Computer'
or unixType.ManagedEntityTypeSystemName = 'Microsoft.Windows.Computer' )
AND vpr.ObjectName <> 'Process'
AND unix.DisplayName IN ( $Query )
AND vpr.CounterName in ('% Processor Time','PercentMemoryUsed','% Available Memory','% Free Space')
AND vpri.InstanceName in ('_Total','C:','/','')
AND DATEDIFF(DAY, pvpr.DateTime, GETDATE()) < 8
$SqlQuery > $env:TEMP\query.sql
$SqlQuery = Get-Content $env:TEMP\query.sql
# Create connection to SCOMDW Database
$script:SQLDBName = "OperationsManagerDW"
$script:connString = "Data Source=$SQLServer;Initial Catalog=$SQLDBName;Integrated Security = True"
$script:connection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection($connString)
$sqlcmd = $connection.CreateCommand()
$sqlcmd.CommandText = $SqlQuery
$results = $sqlcmd.ExecuteReader()
$script:table = new-object “System.Data.DataTable”
# Lets GRAPH!
$Servers = ($table | Select -Unique Path).Path
# 1 Graph foreach Agent
Foreach ( $Server in $Servers ) {
$Server = ($Server -split '\.')[0]
$GraphName = $Server
# Create CHART
$GraphName = New-object System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Chart
$GraphName.Width = 900
$GraphName.Height = 300
$GraphName.BackColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::White
# CHART Title
[void]$GraphName.Titles.Add("$Server - Performance Data")
$GraphName.Titles[0].Font = "Arial,10pt"
$GraphName.Titles[0].Alignment = "MiddleCenter"
# CHART Area and X/Y sizes
$chartarea = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.ChartArea
$chartarea.Name = "ChartArea"
$chartarea.AxisY.Title = "$CounterName"
$chartarea.AxisX.Title = "Time"
$chartarea.AxisY.Maximum = 100
$chartarea.AxisY.Interval = 10
$chartarea.AxisX.Interval = 1
# CHART Legend
$legend = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Legend
$legend.name = "Legend"
# Line Colors
$num = 0
$LineColours = ('DarkBlue','Brown','DarkMagenta')
# Create 'n' SERIES (lines) for each COUNTER
Foreach ($Counter in $Counters) {
$LineColor = $LineColours[$num]
$GraphName.Series["$Counter"].ChartType = "Line"
$GraphName.Series["$Counter"].BorderWidth = 2
$GraphName.Series["$Counter"].IsVisibleInLegend = $true
$GraphName.Series["$Counter"].chartarea = "ChartArea"
$GraphName.Series["$Counter"].Legend = "Legend"
$GraphName.Series["$Counter"].color = "$LineColor"
ForEach ($i in ($table | ? { $_.ObjectName -eq $Counter -and $_.Path -like "$Server*" }) ) {
$GraphName.Series["$Counter"].Points.addxy( ($i.DateTime -split ' ')[0] , $i.AverageValue )
$num++ # Next Color :)
$GraphName.SaveImage("$scriptpath\$Server.png","png") # Save the GRAPH as PNG
Have fun! :)